What's next:
Once you've finally convinced yourself to stop by, you'll find that partying like a pro is not quite as easy as you would have imagined.
Some partygoers may require you to refine certain social abilities. You'll have to strengthen them, to become a better conversationalist or solve a tricky puzzle or two. Once you're chatting you'll have to get a read on their personality if you don't want to have to invest extra time. Because every action you choose will move the clock forward.

ein wenig vorranschreiten undam folgenden Morgen, endet die Feier, unabhängig von deinem Fortschritt.
Aber vielleicht öffnet dir, was du bei deinem letzten Spieldurchlauf gelernt hast ja neue Wege...
The Neighbours:

He has organized several parties in his time.
Friendly and reserved, people naturally
seem to seek out his company.

Lively and sharp-tongued, Miriam Miriam can come off a little judgy. She also has a strong nurturing side, which she likes to act out on a single individual, sometimes borders on aggression.
A self-proclaimed "gamer" with epicurean tendencies. What others might perceive as excesive nerdiness is to him just the expression of his true, authentic self.

The Guests:

Actually only came to the party because of his girlfriend.
When he is not giving excellent advice to newcomers at parties, he provides essential services as a moderator on

No one is quite sure why Bella is at the party in the first place. A common theory is that she just likes to complain, which, to her credit, she has honed to somewhat of a craft and does quite entertainingly.

A real hoot. Hansen has an encyclopedic knowledge
of different types of alcohol and their effects on the psyche. But who is going to foot the the bill in the end?


She seems to have a habit of arriving late to parties, which may be part of the reason why hardly anyone seems to know who she is.